Tuesday 26 May 2009

New addition

My boyfriend just got a kitten. 11 weeks old and all curious and interested in the world around him. He's called Dexter. He doesn't look like he's thinking in the voice of Stewie from family guy. Tilly, on the other hand, appears to now be plotting to kill him. Still...at least she's no longer planning to kill me. So I'm thankful for that.

Day one in the 2 cat house: Tilly demonstrates how big her claws and fangs are, wins the loudest hissing contest and starts working on her Yoda impressions before promptly finding the furthest possible point in the house away from Dexter. My boyfriend spent hours paying her attention and she rewarded him by sitting on top of the kitchen cupboards right up in the Gods where bless him he had no chance of reaching her.

Conclusion: cats are evil...but clever!

Day two in the 2 cat house: I've consulted the ancient text from the olden days (my childhood that is) and realised that Tilly and Dexter are dead ringers for Garfield and Nermil.
Dexter: oh look how cute I am playing with shoe laces...look how cute I am digging my claws into the sofa, look how cute it is when I bite the humans hand..."
Tilly: Grrrrrr

Day three in the 2 cat house: The humans are exhausted. Dexter keeps trying to get Tilly to play but Tilly wants to be left alone. Tomb Raider is being used as a distraction, and take away is on the cards. Turns out Dexter is a TV addict too.

So all in all - the least restful weekend anyone could wish for - a long weekend at that.

I returned to my flat on Monday evening, had a quick tidy up and awaited my friends arrival to watch...ironically...Dexter. We watched the first 2 episodes of series 1. Amazing. I was snuggled in bed and under the duvet by the time they reached the front door, but alas, my sleep was short lived...the car had been smashed in. Horrendous. my neighbour left a note on the car saying that there was a witness and the police had been called. Apparently it was someone in a grey hoodie ...well then, shouldn't be to difficult to find eh??? In fact wait a minute...I hope it wasn't my boyfriend! I went down in my PJs to let them into the car park to keep the car off the road until it can be fixed. Then I drove them home. When I returned I'd somehow managed to lose my phone and spent a further 20mins searching my car from top to bottom and eventually found it lodged somewhere beneath the passenger seat. Finally crawled into bed again around 12:30.

On the plus side the 2 cats slept soundly all night on the same bed...progress!

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